Birth of Crooked Halo


My name is Eric Eckenberger and I am the owner/founder of Crooked Halo Clothing. The original idea for Crooked Halo came to me when I was 13 years old. During that time in my life I was big into snowboarding and I wanted Crooked Halo to be my personal snowboard company. That goal wasn't achievable given the financial circumstances and teenage distractions, so that idea lost traction fairly quickly.

During my twenties a few life altering experiences took place, and one of them included the amputation of my right leg and the amputation of the toes on my left foot. This was the result of a failed attempt to jump onto a train. The event was a challenge physically and mentally but I stayed strong, becoming the first amputee to receive the first annual "Amputee in the Ring" award from the National Boxing Hall of Fame in Montebello, California.

Fast forward to present day and Crooked Halo is now Crooked Halo Clothing, LLC. We offer original designs often featuring our Skull Logo. The collections will come and go, things will pop up just as fast as they get pulled down. This is my new adrenaline rush and I'm excited to share it with everyone!